Welcome to my 'Virtual Learning Lab'.. Here you have access to extra resources, tools and techniques as well as paid programmes. 


Hi, I'm Sharon Herbert and I am a client centred trauma-informed therapist and coach, founded on empathy, compassion and humility. 

My approach is heavily influenced by the science of evolutionary neurobiology, neuroscience and the power of self-compassion. 

I am pleased you have found your way to my 'Virtual Learning Lab'.. this is a fab, relaxed space where you will be able to access even more great resources, tools and techniques to aid you on your journey from surviving to thriving! 

This is a space for both my free resources to support you on your journey and my paid programmes. 

Take your time and be the change you want to see! 

I look forward to hearing what you think! 


Available Products

Daily Gratitude Toolkit

The benefits of practicing gratitude are nearly endless. People who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice and reflect upon the things they're thankful for experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems.

If you are keen on exploring a simple self-paced technique to help you reduce anxiety and cope with life's stressors with more capacity - then practicing gratitude CAN really help! 

Anti-Anxiety Toolkit

Insights into developing meaningful & healthier practices to regain control with a mind and body approach.

'Helping you find your Inner Balance'

'Helping you find your Inner Balance'

A 3 month blended group programme that combines a number of therapeutic and coaching methods that will help you unlock a life BEYOND anxiety..

My Products Available Products
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